
Do'a, Do'a and Do'a

Thursday 27 March 2014

Colours of Joy in MIS750 Class ;-)

Management Information System (MIS750)

For non-IT student like me, yeah, i am facing some difficulties in adopting all those jargon terms in MIS750. Even though, somehow i don't really knows the exactly what is terms definition, i do admit that i do use some of the application, it is just a matter that i couldn't be exposed with the wording or terms for that.


I was worried on the first week of class. Luckily, the lecturer's approach whereby the students presented the related system of their company has. So the learning process is become fun! and no stress for sure! 

HAHA. It might derived from different presenter came from different company, background and ways of presentation. The classes came into hilarious and yet, informative! We are all sharing the information and most important thing, EXPERIENCE.

I have attached a few pictures and video to show u the colours of MIS750. The pictures and video were taken in our last class. Since we will be taking the final on 29 March, we are hoping all the best for all.

Enjoy the movie.

*Note: Please see the video. It's FUNNY..! hehehehehehe. Who has the biggest laugh? hahahhaha.. u judge..! haha

Saturday 22 March 2014

You are have been watching... SO..Beware... HAHA...

Do u that we can be easily watched and traced by the Authority?

Have we ever wondered how does the Cops (Police) or CIA caught the robbers, criminal?

How does the location of a container may able to be traced by their owner?


This is where the technology comes  in. Satellite, Smartphones, Global Positioning System and many more tools or technology were built for the sake of positive purpose

;) Do not misused the technology. Apply with good manners :)

SAP B1 in Kemaman Port

I have experienced working in Kemaman Port from year 2007-2011 and incharged of Operations Department. One of  my work scope is monitor the application of vessel for inward, outward and operations during vessel at berth. The following picture is the overall process flow of Kemaman Port's business operations

The following snapshot is picturing the processes that using the SAP B1 application system.

The issuance of Pre-Arrival Clearance (PAC) is done by the system. The estimation cost of every application for berth for vessel is also being done by system. The application is integrated with Finance Department whereby the system is able to mention in the Estimation Cost Sheet whether the status of shipping and forwarding agent's account. IF the shipping agent's account is Not OK (Not OK means not sufficient money to render service), that particular agent needs to pay a sum outstanding amount.

The above picture is the sample of SAP B1 (Port Customization) under Ship Call Number (SCN)  framework. The application for berth, vessel at berth, Pilot Note, Services will be all key-ed in the system in order to generate Invoice as the final output for the process flow.

Below picture is the sample of Pre-Arrival Clearance (PAC). Only with this document, the application of vessel inward by shipping agent will be processed.

Assistance Ticketing System (ATS) - A Facility provided by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK)

In September 2011 until December 2012, i have worked with University Tun Abdul Razak. After almost 5 years working with Kemaman Port, i finally decided to try something new in my career life. Even though i my tenure with this private University is not that long, but is has something that i think i should share with readers!

It is a good thing. It looks simple but really helpful.

As a Senior Executive of International Student Affairs that in-charged of study mobility and welfare, i was responsible to take care of the Assistance Ticketing System (ATS) with supports by 4 assistance under my supervision. What is ATS? And how does it work? 

I will explain in brief about the ATS System for your better understanding.One of the medium to taking care of the relationship between University and students is through Communication. 

In the private university business, it is vital to have a good relationship with students! It is a must! The university must ensure and be particular about student's welfare and the most important thing is, to let the student knows that the University is taking care of them! That would be the reason why the management puts a high expectation of the student services.

Let's us just go directly with the ATS briefing.

ATS is a web-based solution is a web-based solution system that allows Customer Relationship Management (CRM) unit to react and manage instantly and automatically to types of complaint and inquiries. 
 ATS as a platform to channel enquiries, suggestions and requests for assistance to respective departments. This facility is meant to serve the following groups:

  • Students
  • Staff
  • Prospective students
  • Other/web browser
All tickets must be categorized into four (4) categories:
  1. Enquiry
  2. Asisstance
  3. Complaint
  4. Suggestion
The process of ATS shown as following picture.

The ticket can be issued through the University's website ( With this, the student may be able to issue ticket for any inquiry, request for assistance or even to log complaints (see below picture)

Meanwhile, the University staff may be use the Staff Portal to issue ticket as you may see the following snapshot.

As usual, the user needs to fill up the personal details as you can see on the following picture.

The Customer Relationship Officer (CRM) Officer is the person in-charged to handle the tickets. Once receive the ticket from students or staff or public, CRM Officer will be escalating the tickets to respective staff, depending on the issue that raised by the user. The following two (2) snapshots is sample of ticket received by CRM.

The escalated ticket will be received via emails and that particular staff (who received the ticket) should be immediately respond by replying the ticket within 24 hours. After 24 hours, 1st reminder will be sent to that staff. If that staff still do not reply/respond the ticket after 48 hours, the 2nd reminder will be sent to that staff and also his/her superior.

HEHE. The beauty of this system is it can be monitored directly by Head of Department or even the President and Vice-President of the University. HAHA. That would be the "tool" to inculcate the staff to respond the ticket immediately to serve the student better!

GOOD for students.

WHY? Because students may issue the ticket and dedicate the ticket directly to Management if there is some issue/complaints that they think needs to be highlighted to the Management.

Plus, the system is able to generate the analysis that can be tabled to management ;-)

Saturday 15 March 2014

Now, I am a Blogger! ;-)

Sunday, 09.03.2014

It is 8.30 in the morning.. I am on my way to class Management of Information System that supposedly begins at 9.00 am. As usual, I tuned to Ikim.Fm (91.5 FM) to accompany me along the way. It is a repeat programme of Usrati. The panel for this recorded session in Ustazah Norhafizah and deejay Norhayati Paradi chaired the programme. 

Ustazah elaborated on how the Writing would influence our life entirely. She also emphasized on the importance of noting down the important issues that is happening in daily lives. Writing is a like a diary. Everybody should write their important event that could be a tool to remember of what we have achieved or even the failure moment in life. Don’t you aware that all the textbooks, journals, magazines, reports are all coming from WRITING? Do we realize this? YES it is! Ustaak Norhafizah also recommends to inculcate the interest of writing for children as early as they can write or read.

AND, coincidently the MIS lecturer, Associate Professor Norzaidi Mohd Daud informed the students to create our very own BLOG as part of the requirement of subject Management Information System (MIS750). Truthfully, I am keen to write. But it is seems like a “wish” since I have no motivational factor to push me to write. Thus, I am taking this opportunity to further improve on my writing skill through this Blog. May Allah wills, by having this blog, people who read it would at least receive a beneficial information and knowledge (at least) for them.

In shaa Allah.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Engineering Drawing Flow (The usage of Intranet and Extranet)

This is the flashback! :-)

Saturday, 01 March 2014.

Its a first class of new semester! Finally it came! Started to attend classes. take notes, do presentations, discussions, arguments, assignments, case study. Two (2) months of semester break just passed so fast! I still in the mood of "holiday". HAHA. Rase MALAS tu confirm ada! Undeniable! HAHA. But what to do! Live must go on! I mean, life as STUDENT. A PART TIME student! ;-)

A week before hand, we have already being assigned to presentation task. And i am the lucky number ONE..! HAHA. Fortunately, the lecturer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norzaidi Mohd Daud has emailed us the presentation slides material to ease our job!

Looking the first time the downloaded file via email, FUHH..! Too many jargon words, terms, and confusing definitions! HAHA. How lucky i am to be the first! Hmmm.. I said to myself "BE POSITIVE and STAY COOL".

I decided to stick with Dr's planning. Means, no need to ask to change! TAKE THE CHALLENGE!

On that duly day, i presented Chapter 1. I did whatever i can even though i regret of myself for not well-prepared. I supposed to study in that week. HAHA. Nasi dah jadi bubur. I presented the given slides, plus with my own system of Intranet and Extranet that have been using by my company (a subsidiary of SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad).

The flow of Intranet and Extranet network as the attached picture!

Just to RECAP!

This is the Engineering Drawing Management that being implemented by Kencana Bestwide Engineering Sdn Bhd. The Engineer, Document Controller, Lead Engineers and Planner would communicate, transmit, exchange the drawings via INTRANET. (An Intranet is a computer network that uses Internet Protocal technology to share, operational systems, or computing services within an organization, Source: Wikipedia)

Meanwhile, the client, BRUNEI SHELL PETROLEUM (BSP) provides the facility called EXTRANET. 
From Extranet, the Document Controller (as the representative of Engineers) would communicate (transmit and exchange) the drawings accordingly.
(Extranet is a network between organzations and instead refers to a network within an organization, Source: Wikipedia). 

Both Intranet and Extranet system are much much beneficial as the communication is become faster and less paper (for sure)!.