
Do'a, Do'a and Do'a

Saturday 22 March 2014

Assistance Ticketing System (ATS) - A Facility provided by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK)

In September 2011 until December 2012, i have worked with University Tun Abdul Razak. After almost 5 years working with Kemaman Port, i finally decided to try something new in my career life. Even though i my tenure with this private University is not that long, but is has something that i think i should share with readers!

It is a good thing. It looks simple but really helpful.

As a Senior Executive of International Student Affairs that in-charged of study mobility and welfare, i was responsible to take care of the Assistance Ticketing System (ATS) with supports by 4 assistance under my supervision. What is ATS? And how does it work? 

I will explain in brief about the ATS System for your better understanding.One of the medium to taking care of the relationship between University and students is through Communication. 

In the private university business, it is vital to have a good relationship with students! It is a must! The university must ensure and be particular about student's welfare and the most important thing is, to let the student knows that the University is taking care of them! That would be the reason why the management puts a high expectation of the student services.

Let's us just go directly with the ATS briefing.

ATS is a web-based solution is a web-based solution system that allows Customer Relationship Management (CRM) unit to react and manage instantly and automatically to types of complaint and inquiries. 
 ATS as a platform to channel enquiries, suggestions and requests for assistance to respective departments. This facility is meant to serve the following groups:

  • Students
  • Staff
  • Prospective students
  • Other/web browser
All tickets must be categorized into four (4) categories:
  1. Enquiry
  2. Asisstance
  3. Complaint
  4. Suggestion
The process of ATS shown as following picture.

The ticket can be issued through the University's website ( With this, the student may be able to issue ticket for any inquiry, request for assistance or even to log complaints (see below picture)

Meanwhile, the University staff may be use the Staff Portal to issue ticket as you may see the following snapshot.

As usual, the user needs to fill up the personal details as you can see on the following picture.

The Customer Relationship Officer (CRM) Officer is the person in-charged to handle the tickets. Once receive the ticket from students or staff or public, CRM Officer will be escalating the tickets to respective staff, depending on the issue that raised by the user. The following two (2) snapshots is sample of ticket received by CRM.

The escalated ticket will be received via emails and that particular staff (who received the ticket) should be immediately respond by replying the ticket within 24 hours. After 24 hours, 1st reminder will be sent to that staff. If that staff still do not reply/respond the ticket after 48 hours, the 2nd reminder will be sent to that staff and also his/her superior.

HEHE. The beauty of this system is it can be monitored directly by Head of Department or even the President and Vice-President of the University. HAHA. That would be the "tool" to inculcate the staff to respond the ticket immediately to serve the student better!

GOOD for students.

WHY? Because students may issue the ticket and dedicate the ticket directly to Management if there is some issue/complaints that they think needs to be highlighted to the Management.

Plus, the system is able to generate the analysis that can be tabled to management ;-)

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