
Do'a, Do'a and Do'a

Thursday 27 March 2014

Colours of Joy in MIS750 Class ;-)

Management Information System (MIS750)

For non-IT student like me, yeah, i am facing some difficulties in adopting all those jargon terms in MIS750. Even though, somehow i don't really knows the exactly what is terms definition, i do admit that i do use some of the application, it is just a matter that i couldn't be exposed with the wording or terms for that.


I was worried on the first week of class. Luckily, the lecturer's approach whereby the students presented the related system of their company has. So the learning process is become fun! and no stress for sure! 

HAHA. It might derived from different presenter came from different company, background and ways of presentation. The classes came into hilarious and yet, informative! We are all sharing the information and most important thing, EXPERIENCE.

I have attached a few pictures and video to show u the colours of MIS750. The pictures and video were taken in our last class. Since we will be taking the final on 29 March, we are hoping all the best for all.

Enjoy the movie.

*Note: Please see the video. It's FUNNY..! hehehehehehe. Who has the biggest laugh? hahahhaha.. u judge..! haha

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